Saturday, March 6, 2010

Saint Louis Zoo

Lately, it has been warming up quite nicely in St. Louis. Yesterday, it actually got up into the 50s! As such, we decided to go to the Saint Louis Zoo. One really nice thing about the zoo in St. Louis is that it is free! Another nice thing is that we live 5 minutes away from the zoo, as it is located in Forest Park. Isidora has already been there 4 or 5 times, and with all my upcoming time off, I'm pretty sure we will be going there a lot in the coming months - at least until it gets too hot to go.

Growing up in Oregon, I have pretty high expectations for zoos, as ours was really neat and had lots of enclosures that were more "modern," I guess - i.e. fewer cage-looking things, and a lot more open areas that simulate natural environments. The Oregon zoo is also pretty spread out and has a neat variety of animals, including a section on Northwest animals, with cougars, eagles, black bears, elk and wolves. Unfortunately, they closed my favorite exhibit, the Alaskan Tundra (where they had musk oxen, caribou, owls and wolves) to open a new exhibit called Predators of the Serengeti. At least they will have lions there again.

Little did I know, the St. Louis zoo is larger (90 acres vs 64 acres), has more animals (22,805 vs 2200), and more variety (810 species vs 260 species) than the Oregon Zoo. And, I must say, I really like the St. Louis Zoo. Not to mention (again), it is free! My favorite thing at the St. Louis zoo is the penguin enclosure, where you can practically reach out and touch the penguins - much better than the one in Oregon, which is all behind glass.

These are from October, when Katee and I took Isidora to the zoo. Here you can see how close the penguins are, that thing on the bottom right corner is the glass at the edge of the enclosure.

Here is Katee pointing out the penguins through the glass to Isidora. It really is amazing how close you get!

So, enough of the explanation, and back to our visit yesterday! Here are some pictures!

Isidora really liked watching the orangutans. They were jumping around a lot and were really fun to watch.

Outside of the ape exhibit there is this giant gorilla - aka obligatory photo stop for all passers-by.

Izzie liked looking at the fish in the hippo enclosure, but wasn't too interested in this hippos that swim by right up against the glass. Oh well.

We had a great time!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bree,
    My mother has a picture of Matt, as a child, standing in front of the same giant gorilla! My parents took me, Jessica, Ben & Matt to the zoo during a visit to St. Louis. I think I was 10 yrs old so Matt was probably about 4 yrs old or so. I remember loving the is pretty amazing! I'll have to see if my mother can find the picture. If so, I'll send a copy to you.
    Isidora is adorable!
